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UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Mobile Applications in Cell Biology Present New Approaches for Cell Modelling

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Cell biology apps were surveyed in order to identify whether there are new approaches for modelling
cells allowed by the new technologies implemented in tablets and smartphones. A total of 97 apps were
identified in 3 stores surveyed (Apple, Google Play and Amazon), they are presented as: education
48.4%, games 26.8% and medicine 15.4%. The apps were arranged by representation similarities of the
cell models, and then the groups were nominated. The name of each one was based in recurrent terms on
the apps descriptions and the definition is grounded in the literature. Thus, we categorized those apps in
six modelling groups, not mutually exclusive: 32% three-dimensional, 25% bi-dimensional, 14% realistic,
14% animation, 11% scale and 4% playful. Each model has unique characteristics. Three-dimensional
models can present proportional scales of organelles that allow immersion in the cell model. Realistic
models and animations can be used to explore the dynamics of the cell functioning. The cell models
designed for smartphones and tablets bring handling capabilities not found in computers and notebooks;
they also have the potential to deliver content with high levels of interactivity and are accessible anytime
and anywhere. Regarding the applicability of the cell models available in the apps, this paper offers
some suggestions of classroom use based on the features of the models and examples found in the
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Routledge : Taylor & Francis; Routledge.,

Deskripsi Fisik








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Tipe Media


Tipe Pembawa



2016 Vol. 50, No. 3, 290–303



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Pernyataan Tanggungjawab
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