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UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Incorporating corpus literacy skills into TESOL teacher training

Image of Incorporating corpus literacy skills 
into TESOL teacher training
This study is an attempt to explore TESOL trainee teachers’ attitudes towards
a corpus literacy component added to a grammar course on a teacher training
programme. The main premise behind the investigation is that, before we can
reasonably expect ESL teachers to embrace the idea of using corpora in their
teaching, they need to develop their corpus literacy skills during their teacher
training programmes. The research was carried out to evaluate the amount of
time, resources, and support such an endeavour would require. It also offers a
description of the course design, which can be easily modified to fit a variety of
educational contexts and teacher training programmes. Finally, the discussion
of the survey findings highlights the trainee teachers’ perspectives on their
experiences of using corpora, and the potential and possible problems of using
such an integrated approach to teacher training course design.
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Oxford University Press : USA: oxfrod university press.,

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January 2017; doi:10.1093/elt/ccw045

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