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Perpustakaan FITK

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Twelve years of telecollaboration: what we have learnt

Image of Twelve years of telecollaboration: 
what we have learnt
This article describes the evolution, over a 12-year period, of a telecollaborative
project between two universities. The project focused on two teacher training
courses that integrate in-class dialogic learning and flipped classroom materials.
The authors begin by outlining the first years of the project, including an overview
of the initial results concerning the student-teachers’ progress towards professional
teacher knowledge. Then, following the KARDS model for teacher education, the
authors discuss the most recent year in which the use of telecollaboration with
flipped class materials has been the foundation of the shared course, with the
framework of the interaction based on the accumulated experience and knowledge
gained over this long-term collaboration. The evolution of this telecollaboration
reflects both a notable change in the mindset of the teachers as well as a deeper
sense of responsibility from the students for their own learning
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Oxford University Press : USA: oxfrod university press.,

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October 2016; doi:10.1093/elt/ccw041

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