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UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Conflicting Perceptions of the Status of Field Biology and Identification Skills in UK Education

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There is an enormous degree of engagement between people and the outdoors in the UK;
58% of the adult population of England, about 24 million people, make at least one visit
a week to parks, urban green spaces, the countryside or other outdoor destinations. Having
nearby green space is important to 52% of adults and 37% of them claim to watch
wildlife while outdoors (Natural England 2015a). Children, usually encouraged by adults,
also make many visits to the ‘natural’ environment; 70% of children in England, about 7
million, visit natural environments at least once a week (Natural England 2015b). There
is, nevertheless, an ongoing thread of opinion and research that suggests that engagement
with and knowledge and understanding of the natural environment and knowledge of
plants and animals may be decreasing in affluent consumer societies. Thus, Pergams and
Zaradic (2008) described a shift away from visits to the outdoors and nature-based
recreation in the US and Japan. There is also evidence of widespread decrease in support
for natural history in developed economies, despite its huge importance to society
(Tewksbury et al. 2015).
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Routledge : Taylor & Francis; Routledge.,

Deskripsi Fisik








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2016 Vol. 50, No. 3, 233–238



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