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Perpustakaan FITK

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Testing Models: A Key Aspect to Promote Teaching Activities Related to Models and Modelling in Biology Lessons?

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This study investigated biology teachers’ (N = 148) understanding of models and modelling (MoMo),
their model-related teaching activities and relations between the two. A framework which distinguishes
five aspects of MoMo in science (nature of models, multiple models, purpose of models, testing models
and changing models) served as a theoretical background. Teachers’ understanding of MoMo was
assessed using constructed-response items which were analysed qualitatively based on a coding scheme.
The biology teachers mainly expressed a limited understanding of models as copies or idealised depictions
used to show or to explain something. Model-related teaching activities were assessed through rating-
scale items. The findings propose that models are primarily generated in biology lessons to show or
to explain something but are rarely contrasted with other models, evaluated and modified. Significant
correlations between teachers’ understanding of the aspect testing models and their intensity of modelrelated
teaching activities were found. This suggests that the aspect testing models is a key aspect of
promoting teaching activities related to MoMo in biology lessons. The findings are discussed with respect
to relevant literature about MoMo in science education and educational implications are provided.
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Routledge : Taylor & Francis; Routledge.,

Deskripsi Fisik








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2016 Vol. 50, No. 2, 160–173



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Pernyataan Tanggungjawab

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